The latest opinion and analysis on technology, public affairs, and advocacy.
Preparing For Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation
For the last several weeks, I have been receiving emails (mostly from law firms) reminding me that Canada’s new Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) is coming into effect on July 1st, 2014 – less than two months from now. Canada’s was one of the last remaining developed countries without anti-spam legislation, so CASL is an effort to
Don’t Underestimate The Ontario PC Digital Team
As an Ontario election gets underway, focus turns to how the digital campaign will shape up and what, if any, impact the online activities will have on Election Day.
Facebook Referral Traffic Rocks
There is a current trend by administrators of Facebook Pages to condemn Facebook for limiting the reach of their Page content on the platform. They have even dubbed it “the reachpocalypse” and some have openly questioned whether Facebook is worth using at all as a communications tool.
Do Hashtags Work?
Are you using hashtags as part of your communication efforts? If not, new research shows that you may want to consider adding them to the mix. For those who are not familiar with hashtags, they are a word or phrase (on social media sites such as Twitter) preceded by a hash or pound sign (#)
5 Tactics For Elected Officials
I recently met with a sitting Member of Parliament (who shall remain nameless) to discuss his social media operations. The MP in question wanted me to provide some advice to him and his staff on how best to engage their local constituents in the online space. While I will list out the advice I offered
Do You Need To Tweet To Find Twitter Useful?
As reported in the Wall Street Journal this week, a report from analytics company Twopcharts states that only 44 percent of Twitter users have ever sent out a tweet.
What You Need To Know About Heartbleed
This week, a major security bug called “Heartbleed” was revealed. It is being called “one of the biggest security threats the Internet has ever seen” and has affected many of the biggest sites on the web. Here is a quick summary of what Heartbleed is all about and what you can do to protect yourself.
Presentation: Social Media + Mobilization
Social Media + Mobilization from Grassroots Online